Linkedin Facebook The 6th General Meeting of LightCoce Project successfully took place remotely on February 1 & 2, 2022 Counting three years of progress, the partners of LightCoce and the established their established spin-off company had the opportunity to discuss the...
Linkedin Facebook Youtube The 1st year General Meeting of BIOMAC has been successfully concluded today The meeting was held remotely on January 12-13, 2022, providing a great opportunity for all consortium members to discuss the project’s progress, coordinate their...
Linkedin Youtube Today, the 13th of January 2022, the NanoPAT project has its first review meeting on M18All partners are presenting the work that has been done in the respective Work Packages to the Project Officer from the European Commission Our Project Manager, Ilias...
Today, 3rd of December 2021, our Project Managers Ioanna Katsavou and Ilias Gkotsis in the framework of one of our projects, FLAMINGo Project H2020, organised an event at a Lyceum School in the north area of Athens, Greece 54 students...
Linkedin On October 27-28, 2021, EXELISIS participated in the 3rd year meeting of the MultiCycle project, that was organized remotelyEXELISIS is working on the exploitation planning and innovation management of the project together with our partners AXIA Innovation, having the...
Linkedin Facebook SECRETed Project H2020’s website is now out! Learn all about sustainable exploitation of bio-based Compounds revealed and engineered from natural sources, stay tuned, enjoy and explore the different sections: https://wwwsecretedeu/ EXELISIS...
Linkedin Facebook We were excited to participate in the 2nd year General Assembly meeting of the H2020-funded AGRICORE project The meeting was organized by the consortium and hosted by our partners, the research group of professor Konstantinos Mattas of the...
Linkedin Facebook The 179th Seminar organized by the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) for its members, was titled “Food Policy Modelling as an Effective and Expeditious Response to Today’s Urgent Issues”, hosted by the Mediterranean Agronomic...
Linkedin Facebook Today has been the LightCoce Project’s M30 Review meeting, which took place virtually EXELISIS has been responsible for the business planning of the ecosystem and the Lightcoce spin-off, in close collaboration with AXIA...
The SECRETed Project H2020 kicked-off!! All SECRETed partners presented their Objectives, WPs and Tasks for the forthcoming 4 years of the project The SECRETed Project H2020 project will develop novel biosurfactants and siderophores compounds with tailor-made properties...
Linkedin Youtube On the 28th of June 2021 EXELISIS, participated in the 12-month General Meeting of the FLAMINGo project Each partner presented the work that has been done so far and the upcoming activities Ilias Gkotsis, project manager at EXELISIS,...