Linkedin Facebook On the 8th of June 2021 the AGRICORE project achieved a big Milestone AGRICORE reached month 18 and the official review meeting of the project took place remotely The consortium presented to the project officer and the reviewers...
Linkedin Today has been the 2nd day of the MultiCycle M30 General Meeting, which is organized virtually by the project coordinator IRIS Technology SolutionsOur Project Manager Nikos Tsiantis presented earlier, on behalf of EXELISIS and in collaboration with AXIA...
Linkedin Facebook LightCoce is a spin-off company established as the single entry point (SEP) entity of the LightCoce project’ s Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) ecosystem EXELISIS is participating in this joint venture as a shareholder This spin-off is also the...
Fabrications of Lightweight Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites and Validation in Green Vehicles Linkedin Facebook Youtube FLAMINGo project kicked-off on 18th of February 2021 FLAMINGo partners across 8 European countries presented their WPs and Tasks within the Project for the 4...
Looking for new collaborations and business opportunities Here in EXELISIS we offer a variety of services for our clients EXELISIS is an engineering-based consulting company created by a group of engineers and entrepreneurs with extensive experience in business development and...
Linkedin Facebook Youtube Open Innovation Test Beds in BIOMATERIALS During January the 14 and 15 the H2020 funded BIOMAC Project has officially Kicked off!! BIOMAC is one of the four EC funded Open Innovation Test Beds (OITBS) surrounded by sustainable...
The NanoPat project has kicked off… Linkedin Youtube Process Analytical Technologies for Industrial Nanoparticle Production Nano-scaled materials are abundant in different stages of industrial manufacturing Physical and chemical properties of these materials are strongly...
Linkedin Facebook Easy to transport, handle and install, lightweight components are being increasingly used in construction and infrastructure sectors, as well as in the aerospace, automotive and defence industries Concrete and ceramics are the focus of interest due to their...